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To The Sun - Art Explained

Our Names

Between the sun and the sky, there is unexplored space.

I want to go there.

It is the infinity I want to go there.

Come with me. Let's go together.

The Sky

Your blue invaded my dreams.

I am drowning in you, yet I am floating.

I am lost in you, but I found you.

The big yellow dot is pulling me.

I found something to anchor on my wings.

The Sun

You are my anchor, my only anchor, my shinning anchor.

My wish is to be like you!

My wish is to be with you!

You and me, we are we.

I noticed you are alone in this empty sky.

You need me.

You need me around you.

I am coming, don't sleep, wait for me.

I will fly for you.

To The Sun

I am so far, and you! You are where you are supposed to be.

I explored the empty spaces, and I painted my wings blue.

Now I know how cold it can be, being far from you.

My wings are spreading, and I am going so fast.

My colors are changing. I am looking my best.

My intention is you.

You and me, to be one.

I am flying around you, and you give me you.

This is harmony, We won.

I give my life to you! To The Sun!

I am very thankful to my new collectors Tahan Family for owning this wonderful painting.

This Artwork is Sold

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On top of this painting there is a transparent layer represent the harmony.

Harmony is living in love, being beautiful, healthy, wealthy, and living like royalty. The heart is living in love. The round face is the symbol of beauty.

The horse is the health. The dollar symbol is wealth, and living like royalty is the crown.

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