30 Days To Achieve Pure Confidence
For Clients, Coaches & Clinicians
Foreword for Confidence Affirmations Book
Dr. Marie Dezelic
Imagine what it would feel like to have Pure Confidence in yourself, in everything you do, in your daily encounters and interactions with others, and in all that you want and hope to achieve? While this might seem like an impossible goal, Chady Elias’ book, Confidence Affirmations: 30 Days to Achieve Pure Confidence, is an invaluable guide to inspire and improve Confidence. Pure Confidence is something you can achieve with Chady’s 30 days of a simple and profound practice.
Confidence is a state of being and knowing; that is, having a sense of security that comes with complete trust in our capabilities and abilities that are found within our core essence. This state of being and knowing is the firm foundation that allows us to be proactive participants in all aspects of our lives. Confidence gives us the courage to design, create, and manifest what we want to achieve. This ability to be courageous in the face of discomfort and fear results in the dynamic vitality that is needed to go forward in attracting and developing what we hope and wish to see and experience in our lives.
Take a moment to envision feeling utterly confident in yourself; standing strong, capable, excited, empowered, and inspired as you work toward creating and achieving your goals and dreams! Just imagining having utmost confidence can stir and ignite an energized feeling within us. This is the power that thoughts and words have on our mind-body-spirit system, and what positive affirmations about ourselves and what we are doing can help us to achieve. Are you willing to devote 30 seconds a few times daily for 30 days to awaken this extraordinary feeling of Pure Confidence within yourself?
Affirmations have been utilized for centuries, appearing in many different forms that have their origins in philosophy, religion, and psychology. Contemplative prayer, mindfulness and meditation practices, as well as current neuroscience trends that involve mind and body-based exercises have increased our understanding of how our thoughts influence our emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors. Affirmations are positive statements and declarations with particular self-messages that help remind and ground us in certain positive beliefs about ourselves; enable desired states of mind and being; and help us achieve anticipated habits, goals, and circumstances. Likewise, Affirmations can help us overcome negative or self-sabotaging thoughts so that we can take the necessary steps and actions toward becoming our best selves. The word affirmation is derived from the Latin word, affirmare—to make steady, to strengthen, to make firm; thus, Affirmations strengthen and make steady our positive beliefs and help move us into action.
There is considerable research that shows how our thoughts influence and impact our behaviors, our emotional well-being, our creativity and what we draw to ourselves. Many psychological therapies incorporate Affirmations as part of the treatment protocol for personal growth, transformation, and transcendence. When we are feeling empowered and positive, we are more likely to be motivated and propelled into forward-moving action to create our desired outcomes. Even as our thoughts have the uncanny ability to destabilize and debilitate us, our thoughts also have the amazing power to drastically fuel our abilities and improve our inner peace, overall happiness, motivation, and inspiration. There is much truth in the statement that what we think of ourselves, we believe of ourselves; what we believe of ourselves, we achieve in our lives.
Included below is an Affirmation and visual conceptual pictograph entitled “I AM - I CAN - I WILL.” This pictograph was designed for a program lecture series titled “I Am A Miracle: Achieving Our True Potential” (Dezelic & Ghanoum, 2016). I Am: focuses on self-awareness, our true essence, our talents, gifts, and our positive roles, rather than on our limitations. I Can: focuses on self-discovery, building our confidence, empowering progress, growth and gratitude. I Will: focuses on self-determination, taking responsibility for our lives, engaging our willpower and well-being, and igniting our will toward meaning and meaningful action. Our (1) Attitude, (2) Experiences, and (3) Creativity (Viktor Frankl’s Meaning Triangle of Logotherapy—the three pathways of discovering meaning in life), are positively impacted when we focus on, I Am, I Can, I Will. What follows I AM, directs my beliefs; what follows I CAN, directs my abilities; what follows I WILL, directs my doing.
Chady has designed a series of books for Positive Affirmations on various topics related to Confidence, Relationships-Love, Health, Wealth, Self-Worth, Inner Peace, and Abundance. “I AM - I CAN - I WILL” is the prevailing and over-riding sentiment of Chady Elias’ Affirmations books. Each Affirmations book has an easy-to-follow format for helping us to recognize and develop positive self-statements, as well as focus on what we are desiring to achieve in our lives. We are thus able to create the powerful energetic boost to move ourselves directly into positive action.
Chady’s brief method will help both new and seasoned practitioners of Affirmations accomplish the primary goal—30 Days to Achieve Pure Confidence. The directions follow a simple format; recite the Affirmation of the week 5 times during day, for seven days of the week and place a checkmark in the designated boxes to track your progress. The Affirmation takes no more than 30 seconds to read and/or say out loud; and includes a follow-up exercise to solidify the actions of that Affirmation. The same Affirmation is used for the entire week, and the Affirmation changes for each week, building on the previous week’s sentiments. Scientific research has shown that it takes approximately 30 days to create new neural networks in our brain that result in new patterns of thought and behavior, helping us to shift away from old, unhelpful patterns. As with anything new, we must first practice, practice, practice! We cannot become proficient or excellent in a new language, hobby, musical instrument, sport, or new area of study, without practice. This emphasis on practice is even more important when we are working on changing our thoughts, beliefs, focus, and actions. We are not looking for perfection, we just need to practice achieving a goal that excites and motives us to have a more fulfilled, happy and meaningful life; and create a new practice for our lives.
As an integrative psychologist who offers a mind-body-spirit approach in my work, research, lectures and books, I regularly use Affirmations for myself and my clients. Affirmations help us get in touch with what is good about ourselves and allow us to access the gifts that we bring to the world. They also give us the courage to break through the blocks that are holding us back; igniting a potent energy source within us to start activating and developing new patterns, habits, and actions.
I am honored to be a long-time friend and collaborator with Chady, and highly recommend this Affirmations book, Confidence Affirmations: 30 Days to Achieve Pure Confidence, to all readers, coaches, and clinicians alike. No matter where we are at along the journey of life, we can all benefit from this powerfully impactful book. Be the Difference-Maker in Your Life and challenge yourself to an easily attainable goal of invoking the power of positive thought into your life with 30 days of Positive Affirmations and exercises. I am confident that you will feel your Pure Confidence grow, flow, and develop throughout your mind, body, and spirit, and your desired outcomes will become aligned with your true essence.
Thank you Chady, for your many inspiring contributions to the fields of psychology, spirituality, and art; and for the wisdom found within these pages. May we all go forward today and, in our days to come with Pure Confidence!
See "I AM - I CAN - I WILL" pictograph Here >>
Dr. Marie S. Dezelic
Diplomate in Logotherapy
Cert. Traumatic Stress Studies
Cert. Grief Recovery Specialist
Foreword for Confidence Affirmations Book

30 Days To Achieve Pure Confidence
For Clients, Coaches & Clinicians
Dr. Marie S. Dezelic Biography
Marie S. Dezelic, PhD, PsyD, LMHC, MS, BBA, CCTP, CFTP, CCFP, NCLC, CFRC, NCAIP, Diplomate in Logotherapy, has a private psychotherapy and coaching practice in South Florida. Dr. Dezelic sees adolescents, adults, couples, and families, and travels nationally and internationally for crisis intervention.
She treats a variety of issues in her clinical practice such as Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Trauma Related Disorders, Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse Disorders and Addictions, Sexual Dysfunctions, Relationship/Marital and Family Difficulties, Collaborative Separation and Divorce, Grief and Loss, Neurocognitive Disorders, Personality Disorders, Palliative Care, Burnout & Compassion Fatigue, and Spiritual/Existential Distress. Her main focus of clinical research lies in relationships, trauma, grief and spirituality through an Existential/Logotherapy integrative framework.
Dr. Dezelic holds a PhD and a PsyD in psychology, a Master of Science degree in mental health counseling, a Diplomate in Logotherapy, is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, a Certified Family Trauma Professional, a Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Professional, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional, a Certified Life Coach/ Family Recovery Coach/ and Interventionist, is an internationally accredited member of the Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna, Austria, and holds several advanced training certifications in the therapy modalities listed under her Treatment Approach, including in couples and family systems therapy. She designs and offers numerous healthcare presentations on staff education, implementing programs and support teams on the holistic patient-centered approach to patient care such as: Mental Health in Healthcare, Meaning within Illness, Palliative Care, Psycho-Spiritual Oncology Treatment, Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, Grief and Loss Support, Dimensions of Pain, Pastoral Care, Staff Motivation, and Spirituality.
Dr. Dezelic has published Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook: Based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy & Existential Analysis; and has co-authored Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual: Logotherapy & Existential Analysis Brief Therapy Protocol for Group & Individual Sessions; Trauma Treatment - Healing the Whole Person: Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-work Manual; Transforming Relationships: Essentials for Building Bridges of Connection. Her newest co-authored publication was recently released, entitled Transcending Grief: Recovering Meaning & Practical Tools for Navigating the Journey through the World of Loss. She has an upcoming publication on Palliative Care for Healthcare providers. Dr. Dezelic has also published a book of poetry, treatment assessments, writes articles and designs collaborative projects with researchers, and presents in various venues nationally and internationally on mental health, coaching, relationships and spirituality topics.
Know More at DrMarieDezelic.com